Darling James, a shop in Alabama has offered its customers a trade: solar-powered sex toys for their old, battery-powered ones....
Really, lover? I'm shocked that anyone in Alabama knows what solar power is. Now is that the sort of thing one wants lying out in the open where friends, family, or former teachers might happen to wander by and see it?
The punchline was that people in Alabama think if the sex toy is solar powered, they have to masturbate on the roof.
What a lovely image, Scarlett! Hillbillies getting off, while getting on the roof.
Yeah, I knew you'd like that one.
You know, it might be a punchline, but... it'll happen. Along with all of the public indecency charges that follow.
I'm sure it will. There are stories on the news all the time of men getting caught having sex with animals...or inanimate objects....
Ick!!! You know, if we have to get charged with public indecency, shouldn't we have that one special someone with us to share in the indecency charge? It's so much more fun that way.
One idiot got it stuck in the hole for the umbrella on a patio table....
How to explain that to the inlaws...
I could see the wife bringing her parents out to the patio and there's hubby with his dick stuck in the center of the table....
Oh, yes... "there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this." Which, of course, leads to shrieks of horror, the dad-in law asking what the hell he was thinking, and divorce papers.