Monday, January 30, 2012

A Nice Spot For A Wedding

Copyright 2011 Robert A. Crowe

We're in the midst of writing a wedding ceremony for Same Time Tomorrow, and we thought we'd just take a moment today to show you the location. The Pagoda above stands on a small island in Forest Park, St. Louis. Nice spot, don't you think?

Strangely enough, though the wedding in the book is within days of the proposal, it seems this quickie wedding has really taken its time in being written!  Our characters have been glaring at us, tapping at their watches, and frowning frequently, wondering what's been taking us. You know, for characters, they seem to have very little respect for their creators. They keep hijacking the book on us.

We leave you then with something to amuse you....



  1. That's beautiful! If you can describe that in words, wow! :)

  2. It's gorgeous. That photo was taken by the husband of one of my dearest friends. He's done a lot of beautiful work on his own blog:

  3. I expect to go there when I come to visit...just sayin'...

  4. Why is it that characters develop this annoying habit of not listening to their writers?

  5. Looks beautiful. The only thing missing is snow.;)

  6. That place is gorgeous, but there's no place to hide for two characters always looking for a little private time.

  7. lol! And wow that pic has captured an evil storm brewing! Whoa!
    WIsh i could've watched it.
    Good luck with your wedding scene. I've never had to write one of those yet.

  8. I usually wouldn't write one in my solo writings, but for this one, writing the wedding scene went very well!
