Thursday, December 30, 2010

James: To Title Or Not To Title, That Is The Question....

Scarlett and I have been pondering as of late if we should be titling our chapters. The pondering, of course, has taken place in between writing some very extensive and intimate scenes between our two lead characters... and doing some very hands on research too!

In my solo work, chapter titles are essential. Yet in our joint project, we haven't used them at all, and we haven't decided if we will. Awhile ago we mused on one possibility: Cybersexual Relations. That would certainly fit into what we've written lately, where we have Gabriel and Chloe seperated by an ocean but still making use of laptops and phones to share some very intimate sex (trust me, it works!).

Given our genre, what titles would fit?

I know. Going Down Together, Between The Sheets, Over The Edge, Nightly Pleasures....

What do you think? Titles or not?

On behalf of my lusty partner, we wish you a Happy New Year. She and I are celebrating the New Year in between the sheets.


  1. Celebrating the New Year the same place you two celebrate...Tuesday!

  2. I think titles would be good if they're not too ambiguous. I don't think I've read any books that have only some of the chapters titled, but I'm pretty sure that you two care little about convention...or ambiguity. You can continue to give it more thought as you grind out the chapters.

  3. Grinding out the chapters.... I could twist that!

  4. In a book like this, chapter titles would be amusing.

  5. I personally am not a complete fan, but you know, maybe in this case it would work...and, she said, "grind"...heeeeeheeee

  6. I like it whenever chapter titles refer to something specific in the chapter...that beforehand you're like, "What the hell?" Then when you get to that part, you think, "Oh, that's where the chapter title came from.

  7. I agree with Mike. Love to see what you come up with for titles.
